Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Abstract on “Science and the Digital Divide”, an article by Shuichi Iwata and Robert S. Chen.

Abstract on “Science and the Digital Divide”, an article by Shuichi Iwata and Robert S. Chen.

This article is all about how we can share the information technology to all people especially from the poorest country of the world or from the third world. To be more logical, this article talks about reducing or minimizing the effect of digital divide and create awareness among the people especially those who are beyond the reach of the information technology and help them to use the IT to improve their living standard or to get ease in the business they are involved in. in addition to this, it talks about the role of World Submit on the Information Society (WSIS) and International Council for Science (ICSU).
In the core of the article, it talks about why the scientist now must work not only to predict future hazards and develop new medicines and vaccines, but also to make scientific data and information much more accessible and useful for real-world decision-making so that everyone of this world can access all information they need from the internet.
In conclusion, it is all about managing the problem of digital divide and minimizing or eliminating the effect of digital divide by encouraging people and providing them opportunity to use the IT and access resource from internet.

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