Monday, May 23, 2011

Collaborative corporate social responsibility: A case study

Research Study Title:  Collaborative corporate social responsibility

Research Study Author:  J. Simone Byrd

Q1:  What is the basic purpose, focus, or intention of your team's selected research study?
     The purpose of this study is to explore how two American multinational companies (MNC) addressed corporate social responsibility (CSR).   The study reviews how senior executives in two American international public relations (PR) firms decided to participate in the Global Compact (GC) (a United Nations international initiative begun in 2001, that addresses critical world issues).  Specifically, the study examines:  1.)  why the PR firms initiated participation in the GC;  2.) what company obstacles there were to joining the GC;  and  3.) how the companies ultimately tried to integrate the principles of the GC into their organizations and their client work by advocating for corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Q2.  What specific audience(s) will benefit from this study?  How specifically will the results (products) of this study be useful to this specific audience? 
     Traditional PR firms:  Some traditional PR firms may not be familiar with the concept of PR firms embracing CSR.  Others may be uncomfortable, and evenly openly hostile to the concept.  The study will provide these companies with a basic exposure to the GC, and how PR firms and their clients can benefit by endorsing the ideas generated by the GC.
     Socially Progressive PR firms:  These firms understand and have embraced the concept of social responsibility, and are in the process of fully integrating the concepts of the GC into their organizations.  These firms will benefit from this study, which provides a vista into the experiences and behavior of the two companies highlighted in the study as they adopt the ideas of the GC.
      Academics who study PR firms:  For those professors who observe and study PR firms, this study will provide valuable information into understanding whether PR social responsibility is a concept that will be adopted by this industry.  Is social responsibility a whimsical fad or an enduring trend that will have a significant impact into the future?

Q3:  What is the justification for the research explicitly or implicitly noted by the researcher?   State it in the terms of Creswell's (1998) 7 justifications.
     The author reviewed the previous research and determined that there was a gap in the research (Creswell's Justification #1).  Although previous studies have identified the relevance and effectiveness in general of the CG and the current business environment, they have not focused on:
  • The business benefits of  the GC to the PR firm
  • The use of the GC by the PR firms in advising their clients
  • The extent of the integration of the GC concepts into the PR firm business practices

Q4:  Imagine that you are a member of the specific audience who could benefit from the study, as you noted in Q2.  Now as that person, if you were seeking more information, or corroboration of the research presented, which of the 7 justifications would you propose for another study related to this one?  This must be different from the justification presented by the researcher.
     Under Creswell's Justification #2, the next logical steps in of the previous investigation will be:
  • Understanding the relationship between the PR profession and CSR programs, especially in the USA
  • Exploring the increased influence of PR firms in addressing social issues and being advocates of social change
  • Analyzing the organization's role as corporate citizen, a true part of the community, not as a business entity surrounded by the community
  • Determining how PR work can help in facilitating global citizenship initiatives
  • Monitoring daily tasks of the PR firms:  how the application of the CG affects their behavior and how it will improve the PR industry

Q5:  Give at least one specific example of the additional or corroborating information you are seeking and how it would be gathered through the justification you offer.
Role of the Corporate Citizen:
     There is a need for more information on the two-way communication between PR companies and their public to analyze the commitment of the organization to corporate citizenship.  This can be gathered through community discourse analysis, as well as primary and secondary document analysis. Company literature such as the annual report will reveal indications of the companies' commitment to corporate citizenship.  Examples are the sponsorship of community events, internships for local students, corporate inclusion groups, and an employee population that reflects diversity that will be discussed in the annual report.

Q6:  As that specific audience again, go back to the study's finding and conclusions.  What specifically requires clarification?  Or what further examples or graphics do you need to help you fully understand what the research suggests?
The study findings and conclusions can be clarified by:
  • Formulating interview questions for senior executives to be more specific and gather more pertinent information on why the PR firms are reluctant to integrate the GC ideas into their internal and external operations
  • Analyzing to what extent US litigation and its costs discourage the PR firms’ commitment to the GC, or whether this is actually a smoke screen to mask the true reasons for a lack of commitment to CSR
  • Examining whether the realization of increased revenues and time savings would cause the PR firms to strengthen their commitment to the GC and CSR
  • Understanding  what are effective alternative channels for firms to adopt the GC and CSR
  • Analyzing whether PR firms are truly internalizing the concepts of CSR by modifying their PR practice, and significantly and permanently affecting their practice, or whether their commitment is superficial and temporary


Byrd, L. S. (2009).  Collaborative corporate social responsibility: A case study   
     examination of the international public relations agency involvement in the United
     Nations Global Compact.  Corporate Communications:  An International Journal,
     14(3), 303-319.  doi: 10.1108/135632809

Creswell, J. W. (1998).  Qualitative inquiry and research design:  Choosing among five  
     traditions.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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