Wednesday, May 25, 2011


E 13.12
Machine Rate per Hour                       $7.50
Percentage of balance applied for direct labor cost    200%
a.       Calculate the cost per unit of a production run of 4260 toy flutes
       Raw Material Costing      $2880
       108 direct labor hours costing      $1836
       108 machine hours

Calculation of Total cost
Raw Material                          =          $2880
Labor                                       =          $1836
Machine                                  =          $810     
Balance of the overhead         =          3672               
Total cost                                            $3672
Therefore, the cost per unit of the production   =$3672/4260

b.      At the end of the February, 3,930 of these toy flutes had been sold. Calculate the ending inventory at February 28.
Remaining Unit                       =          4260-3930
                                    =          330
Ending Inventory        =          330 * 0.862
P 13.16
Direct Labor Rate                   =          $20
Expected Production Label    =          $50,000
Direct Labor Hours                 =          200,000 Hours
a.       Given,
Units produced=3,800
Direct material cost=$142,000
Number of parts used=83,600
Direct labor cost=17,180

Direct materials                                                                                      $142,000
Direct labor cost (17180*20)                                                                $343,600
Cost of number of parts used (83,600*1.80)                                    $150,480
Total manufacturing cost                                                                     $636080   

Cost per unit= total manufacturing cost/total production units=636080/3,800

b.      Application rate=Estimated total overhead cost/estimated total direct labor hour

c.       Activity based costing is important from the managerial point of view because it considers all the cost but manufacturing overhead  considers all manufacturing cost except those classified as direct labor and rawmaterials.

          a.           Under variable costing,
Raw materials                                          $1,788,800
Direct labor                                               $2,953,600
Variable manufacturing overhead        $748,800
Total cost                                                   $5491200

Cost per recorder=total cost/no of units produced
Under absorption costing,
Raw materials                                          $1,788,800
Direct labor                                               $2,953,600
Variable manufacturing overhead        $748,800
Fixed manufacturing overhead              $707,200
Total cost                                                   $6198, 400

Cost per recorder                    =          total cost/no of units produced
                                                 =         6198, 400/208,000
                                                =          29.8

d.        Total units of goods sold      =          208,000-20,400
                                               =          187,600
Under variable costing,
Cost of goods sold                  =          187,600*26.4
                                                 =         4952,640
Under absorption costing,
Cost of goods sold                  =          187,600*29.8
                                                =          5590,480

e.       Digital Voice Recorder Cost in Cost Formula
Total Cost =    Raw Materials + Direct Labor+ Variable Manufacturing Overhead
This formula suggest that producing additional 1,700 recorders does not cost any  additional fixed cost.


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